I have been blogging for more than two and a quarter years . I honestly don’t know how my life would be without blogging. It can be exhausting and a little bit overwhelming because I may be a tiny bit obsessed. But blogging is, in many ways, a blessing. It has allowed me to find my voice and my place online . It also helped shape me and other aspects of my life.
I’ve seen bloggers go, and I have made friendships that have lasted a few years or even a few months. In what took me years to reach, I have seen new bloggers blossom in amazing ways. YES. This is about numbers. While I don’t pretend to be jealous, I do know that everyone has their own blogging path. However, I’m not going to complain or do anything. I am here to celebrate and talk goals for blogging.
I’ve been around for so long, but are you tired of me? No? I don’t hope . I haven’t achieved many, many of the things on my book blog bucket list. There are so many more things to do, so many dreams to fulfill, and…well, I’m a dreamer so I’m going TODAY to share them all.
My book blogging goals or the ultimate, but probably not exhaustive bucketlist
Write 1 000 blog posts.
My blog posts show that I have published 488 blog entries in the last two-and-a-half years. Does that seem like a lot? Is that too much? I’m not sure. I am aware that I don’t have enough time to blog every day. It is difficult for me to publish three times per week, and sometimes it is hard. Maybe I’m not posting enough or too , and you all get tired of my ramblings? But I look forward to the 500th and hope to reach the huge 1000. What amazing would this be? !
Physical ARCs available
YES. This is what I’m actually doing. I understand that ARCs can be a sensitive and controversial topic. However, I would love the opportunity to ask large publishers for ARCs so I could actually receive them in my mailbox . Although geography is not my friend, one can still dream of one day when I will be able recommend, read and promote great books in this manner.
Include my name in the acknowledgements of a book/have it quoted in a book
This is my ultimate book blogger dream: helping authors in any way possible to make it in their book‘s acknowledgements pages. Another goal is to have one of my reviews be quoted in a book. This has happened with another blogger. I would likely be triggered by all the emotions, but that’s okay.
Mentioned in bookish media
You might be asking: What the heck is she talking about? Book bloggers have the privilege to shout about books all day and love it. Online, there is so much media discussing young adult books. Sometimes, it refers to bloggers doing awards. Epic Reads, for example, might have some awards that nominated book bloggers. There are so many media outlets that book bloggers write for the Barnes & Nobles YA bookish blog. There are publishing houses, and the list continues. It would be one my greatest and most foolish hopes to be mentioned and noticed by one of these. This would be one of my greatest accomplishments as a blogger.
As a blogger, it is possible to make it to the major bookish events
You’re familiar with these large events like Book Expo America, YALC, and so on. Because I apparently am able, unlike Kell to draw my blood and As Travars …. I’ve never been to any bookish events. Bloggers were seen going to bookish events with their media business cards, talking to publishers, getting books and, most importantly, feeling part of the publishing/bookish process. This is also one of my greatest dreams. This is as important as any other item on the list.
Rep for something bookish
There are so many bookish initiatives that I love . In the past few years I have witnessed bookish boxes being constructed and are on the road to greatness. FairyLoot and OwlCrate are two examples. But there are tons of other boxes AND projects, such as candles, bookish nail polish, and many more. It would be cool to become a rep for one these bookish projects. What is it like to be a rep? Promotion of the company and their work: Yes. Yes, you can get free stuff. But what matters most to me is actually supporting the things I love. As I do it now for my blog, it is also for my books.
Feeling like a pillar in the community
NO. I don’t want to be made out of stone, and do nothing all day. Pillars don’t HAVE HANDS AND can’t read?!! More importantly, I mean that I want to feel like I have voice, like I matter, and overall accomplished as book blogger . When I think of these types of bloggers, I am thinking about the “older” ones. They are the ones who have been around for years and still produce amazing content and engage with their blogs. They also have great ideas and tons of books to discuss. I also think about the new bloggers who are making a lot of noise in the community and being referred to so often. I am thinking about the book bloggers that everyone knows and refers to. They are a part of the community, but they are also a very important, intense part. Pillars. This is perhaps a ridiculous idea.
I’m and also think about Twitter because a large part of the book blogging community thrives there. I think about more than 1K followers, but also about those who are always active and have a say in what matters. Although I am far from being there, and I am too shy to be there ever again, this bucket list is still a good idea.
Live from my blog
This one is the most realistic. If I am shouting at myself about things that I won’t accomplish anytime soon, then everything else on this list is not real. BUT LET’S DREAM. I love blogging. I blog way too often, and it gives me a sense of accomplishment. I’m aware making money through book blogging is a controversial topic. But WHY should it? Lifestyle bloggers have a lot of fun living their passion. We are all allowed to feel the same, I suppose.