If this Gets Out was my most anticipated book for the second half 2021. It was filled with the mystery of a secret love story within a boys band. I couldn’t wait for it to be published. To find out if it was a good read, check out my review.

About The Book:

Ruben Montez (18 years old) and Zach Knight (18 years old) are part of Saturday, the boy-band that is one of America’s biggest acts. The four teenager heartbreakers are best friends backstage and with their bandmates Jon Braxton and Angel Phan. Privately, however, they are beginning to see cracks in their relationship. Ruben confides to Zach that their once-easy rapport is starting to strain under the pressures from fame and management’s pressure to keep them in the closet. They embark on a hectic tour of Europe with minimal supervision and an unrelenting schedule. Ruben and Zach become closer and develop a close friendship. When they decide to live their lives without the help of their managers, Ruben and Zach realize they won’t have their backs. They can’t hold on to each other while the world is trying to get between them.
“If This Gets Out” is a real show-stopper! This book is equal parts edgy, charming, and has all the qualities I want in a queer YA romance.” -Phil Stamper, bestselling author of The Gravity of Us


    • Ruben and Zach are both part of Saturday, the largest boys band in America…and around the globe. Ruben is struggling to comply with the management’s orders for him not to come out, but Zach is slowly struggling with his feelings for Ruben, and questioning himself about his sexuality.
    • If This Gets Out is told in two POVs, Zach and Ruben.
      • Ruben was a well-rounded, great main character. He struggles with his identity and must also face criticisms from his mother, who text him constantly about every performance, dance move, and the slightest variations of his voice. I enjoyed Ruben’s growth through the story. I liked his determination, and how he stood up for himself more and less despite what others told him.
      • Zach was my favourite of the two characters. He is such a softie. It’s hard for him to own what he wants. He puts others’ needs first. This felt relatable for me. I enjoyed his story. He was slowly but surely discovering his sexuality, and then admitting to it to himself as well as to others. All I can do is protect Zach.
    • The strong friendship among the Saturday members was one of my favourite parts of the story. Although they are all different, they all support each other when they need it. They were all so wonderful together!
    • There is definitely a place in this story for romance. I must admit, I loved the way it grew slowly but surely. I loved the way both characters were understanding, slow, kind and always there for one another when they needed it. It was a wonderful romance to watch!
    • Another theme that I enjoyed in If It Gets Out was the discussion about fame. How being in the spotlight can change you, how you can lose your true self in favor of what management expects of you, and how you can be expected to do more than you want. These are all themes I love in stories. It was so fascinating to see how each character dealt with them.

It was a difficult time with…

      • I must admit that I was frustrated by the way some issues were handled in the story. Or, well, I didn’t have enough page time to close the story properly . There are no spoilers, but I would love to have seen more about Ruben’s complex relationship with his mother by the end of this story as well as Angel’s struggles.


If It Gets Out is a fun and entertaining story about a queer boy band love and the pressures of fame. This book is highly recommended!

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