This isn’t the Jess Show, but a book that surprised me . I didn’t expect much going in. I knew that it would be a great read, and I was right. This book surprised me in a good way for a long time. I highly recommend it to thriller/mystery fans. You can read my complete review here.

About the Book:

Black Mirror is a fast-paced, timely YA thriller that mixes My So-Called Life with . This YA thriller is about separating fact and fiction, and how far we will go to make it our own. But drama keeps coming to her. Her new crush on her childhood friend, her overprotective parents limiting her social life and her sister’s declining health are just a few of the things that keep her from moving forward.
Swickley is becoming more bizarre by the day. A mysterious flu has claimed half of the country. When Jess enters the room, conversations end awkwardly. One day, a small, black, sleek device with an apple logo falls out of the backpack of her best friend and lands at Jess’s feet.

  • This is Not The Jess Show was the whole concept of the book. It’s my opinion that it’s best to dive into the story blindly. This is why I will try to convince you to read this book in just a few words. This book was so good because of the twists and turns, unexpected reveals, and all other aspects that were included.
  • This story is set during the 90s. Jess is a typical teenager living in a small, idyllic town trying to cope with her sister’s dying illness and growing feelings for her best friends. All sounds great and everything is perfect until… Things start to get weird and cracks begin showing in this perfect life. Since I am as shocked as I was reading this, I will say that truthfully.
  • This story was very enjoyable to me. Jess was a great main character. She’s kind, determined, fierce, and goes through so many emotions when she uncovers the truth. I found myself rooting for Jess and wanting her to be well.
  • This book is too important for me to get into, spoilers! But I loved the themes. They are so pertinent and make you think about your actual world.

It was a difficult time with…

  • It took a while for the book to get going. This was an interesting story. I wanted to know the ending and be amazed and blown away. It was an exciting story, I’m not going to lie, but it felt slow at first.
  • I would love to see more of certain relationships, particularly between Jess (her sister). I love close, loving sister relationships and would love to see more of them. This is a duology so I may get more in the future.


If you are looking for a thrilling YA thriller that will surprise you -and you don’t have to read too much about it before you buy it -you’ll love This Is Not the Jess Show. I was hooked, and can’t wait for the next book in this duology.

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